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Are you having any problems, errors, crashes, games won't load, something is wrong?

Most of those issues have a known solution already.

Please check the troubleshooting steps below before asking for help in our Discord server.

If none of it helps, here's how to ask for help.


My game won't load, the console shuts down after 3 seconds

  • Make sure you can make the game work when you try to load it with retroarch.exe. That means running your Retroarch installation inside your EmuVR folder.
    If a game doesn't load in Retroarch, it won't load in EmuVR.
  • It might be a file permission issue in your installed directory. Try moving it to C:\EmuVR\
  • The BIOS files for you core might be missing, incorrectly named, or they're the wrong files.
  • Finally, try a different core.

There are no consoles or games in the inventory menu

That means you did not scan your games, or the Game Scanner couldn't detect any games. Check if you added your game folders correctly, and if your games are in the correct formats supported by your chosen core.

Read this to know more about supported file formats.

OK, the game works in retroarch.exe, but it's black in EmuVR, no video, audio only

Be sure that you actually got Retroarch 1.7.5.

Try another core. If you still can't get any to work, try other systems and more cores.

Some cores just won't work for some people in EmuVR, and we're still investigating why. That usually is an issue with AMD video cards. Most of time there is an alternative core for that system that will work for you.

The screen says some file is missing

You're missing your BIOS files.

Game Scanner keeps disappearing, deleting itself

Whitelist Game Scanner.exe in your antivirus settings, it's a false positive.

Everything was working yesterday, but now the games won't work anymore

Try restarting your PC. Seriously. Also, be aware that "shutting down" doesnโ€™t fully shut down Windows 10.

I can grab objects but can't release them

Vive controllers: You need to start SteamVR before starting EmuVR.

Index or WMR controllers: Make sure you applied our official SteamVR controller bindings as instructed here.

My consoles won't turn on, the power button doesn't even click

Make sure you actually see a cable connecting the console to the TV.

If it's connected, then this is usually a file permission issue. Try installing EmuVR into C:\EmuVR\

My games have no audio

If you're using the Oculus Rift with your own third party headphones, you'll need to enable the Don't Use Oculus Audio option in the Settings Menu.

I can't hit any shots with my light guns!

Check if you're using the correct core for light gun games for that system.

EmuVR runs great in desktop mode, but it's slow in VR mode

Try lowering your Graphics Settings, specially Supersampling and Ambient Occlusion.

Try lowering your Oculus and SteamVR supersampling values. Remember that there are two separate supersampling settings in SteamVR, global and per game.

Another possible fix is to try manually running EmuVR from the Force Oculus.exe or Force SteamVR.exe files.

EmuVR froze/crashed after I scrolled through all my games in the Inventory

You added too many games. Try using 400 games max. Pick your favorite games.

Each game will generate a small texture for their labels, even if it's just text and not a custom label. You've maxed your video card memory limit with all those label textures.

This will be improved on later.

"The patch could not be applied!" error in the Game Scanner

If you're installing this in your "Program Files" folder, it might not have write permissions.

Try installing EmuVR into C:\EmuVR\

If that doesn't help:

  • Check if you can open your Command Prompt.

EmuVR is always using SteamVR with Virtual Desktop Streamer

You need to manually "Inject" EmuVR.exe, and not Force Oculus.exe.

Doing this to use the Oculus SDK with VD will give you better performance.

I can't extract retroarch.7z fully / it's corrupted

Don't use WinRAR, use 7-Zip.

I tried everything above but I still have problems, help!

If nothing above helped fixing your issue, you can ask for help in the #troubleshooting channel on our Discord server, and someone will help you figure out how to make it work.

Here are some useful information that you can provide when you ask for help:

  • Are you in desktop mode or VR mode?
  • Your VR HMD
  • Your video card
  • Your CPU
  • What cores are you using
  • What games are you trying to play
  • Which troubleshooting steps above have you tried?

Be precise on what's happening for you: "It doesn't work" and "It crashes" won't help.

What exactly is not working? EmuVR? The emulated games? How is it not working?

Does the console turn off after 3 seconds? Do the games run on Retroarch but not in EmuVR?

What steps exactly would you need to do to make the problem happen again?

If someone asks you to take a screenshot of some of your folders, please enable your file extensions before doing that.